Key Stage 4 Overview
Our curriculum is designed to build on the knowledge and skills pupils have acquired in Key Stage 3 and to prepare them for the Post 16 curriculum. Pupils not only build on their academic knowledge but begin to prepare for the world of work and life and living skills. Pupils begin to make some of their own choices about the subjects and topics they learn as well as continuing to make progress in the core curriculum subjects. Pupils have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which allows them to continue to build on the knowledge and skills they acquired in Key Stage 3 in the core subjects, but also expands into a range of subjects and topics to allow for choice. Pupils have access to an Explore, Discover, Enquire or Thrive curriculum all of which are tailored to the individual pupil’s academic needs and developmental levels. High expectations are set for pupils in Key Stage 4 as our intention is for all pupils to leave Year 11 with a range of qualifications and/or certifications no matter which curriculum strand they follow.
Pupils are given the opportunity to begin to take ownership of their own learning and choices, starting to build these skills in preparation for Post 16. Pupils start to develop their life and living skills which will again help prepare them for the Post 16 curriculum. The intention of the Key Stage 4 curriculum is to allow pupils to build on the academic skills they acquired in Key Stage 3 and to allow pupils to continue to make academic progress. However, Key Stage 4 is a bridge between Key Stage 3 and Post 16 so not only do pupils build on their prior academic skills, but they also start to learn how to use these for more functional purposes and start to apply and use these skills in exams and accreditations.
Our intention is that pupils leave Key Stage 4 having already started to prepare for a more independent experience within Post 16, having all gained either an exam qualification or certificate in English, Maths and other areas across the curriculum. They will have started to gain some knowledge of the world of work and what they may be able to do once they leave Beechcliffe School. Pupils will have continued to make progress across the curriculum and have developed a love for different topics and subjects and have developed more interest in pursuing subjects they enjoy.
Pupils in Key Stage 4 continue to build on the knowledge and skills they gained in Key Stage 3. They continue to be taught the core subjects, English and Maths in discrete sessions each week. Consideration will be given to the needs of different pupils and classes with respect to learning styles, academic ability and behaviour and is reflected in how these core subjects are taught. Sessions are differentiated and adapted to suit the individual needs of all learners in Key Stage 4 and will be dependent on which curriculum strand pupils follow (Explore, Discover, Enquire or Thrive). A practical/hands on approach, like that in Key Stage 3 is encouraged however there is also the expectation that pupils will begin to learn how to use these skills in a more functional way as in Post 16. The rolling programmes for English and Maths also reflect the intention for all pupils to leave Year 11 with a qualification/certificate. Each half term is assigned an area from the AQA Step up to English and the AQA Entry Level Maths specification so that pupils can be taught the knowledge and skills for this subject area and then complete the relevant exam/certificate. Pupils complete exams and certificates throughout the year.
Depending on which curriculum strand pupils follow will determine which qualification or certification they work towards. Pupils sit Entry Level exams or Unit Award Scheme certificates. There is flexibility within this and some pupils can sit dual entry qualifications if required. We use the AQA exam board for these certificates and qualifications. The UAS programme offers a wide range of certificates from pre-entry level, to entry level and through to Level 2. Pupils who are not academically able to sit an Entry Level English and Maths exam can complete pre-entry level certificates in the core subjects. Pupils who are academically able sit the Entry Level Maths and Entry Level Step up to English exams.
Pupils in Key Stage 4 are also encouraged to start to take more ownership of their learning, again helping them to prepare for the Post 16 curriculum. Pupils therefore do ‘options’ lessons. Each half term they are given a set of foundation subjects to choose from for their ‘option’ that half term. Pupils then move to these groups for this session and can gain a UAS certificate in this area. Options sessions include Geography, History, Art and Design, Languages etc. These groups will also follow the Thrive, Discover, Explore or Enquire curriculum. Unit Award objectives and lesson content will reflect the needs and learning styles of pupils. Science and outdoor learning are taught to all pupils each week in Key Stage 4. Other lessons that are offered in the Key Stage 4 are PE, swimming, Duke of Edinburgh, Arts Award, Creative and Performing Arts, RSE and PSHE. Pupils also have community visits and cooking/life skills lessons which again start to incorporate some of the skills they will develop once they progress to Post 16. Pupils in Key Stage 4 participate in RE days each half term to incorporate the teaching and learning of RE. Pupils who follow a Discover or Explore curriculum also have hydrotherapy sessions, sensory room sessions, rebound etc built into their timetable as these sessions have as much importance and impact on pupil’s development as academic subjects.
All pupils in Key Stage 4 leave Year 11 with a range of qualifications/certificates which celebrate their progress and recognise their achievements. Pupils continue with this progression in Post 16 as the same exam board and qualifications are used progressively. This means pupils begin Key Stage 4 on the pathway to achieving as high a level of exam result as they can by the end of Post 16. This allows for a consistent approach between the Key Stages therefore ensuring pupils will meet their academic potential. Pupils not only have these qualifications to take with them once they leave Beechcliffe, but also as a celebration of all they have achieved and learnt during their time in Key Stage 4. There is also the opportunity for pupils to gain the Duke of Edinburgh’s award and an Arts Award qualification, meaning they leave Key Stage 4 with a wide range of achievements.
Pupils are well prepared for Post 16, and they have the two years in Key Stage 4 to build on what they have previously learnt. Pupils make academic progress against Beechcliffe Pathways and towards academic achievement. Pupils foster a love for learning and start to pursue subjects and topics that interest them. Pupils will feel better prepared moving from a Key Stage 4 curriculum to a Post 16 approach to learning. Pupils will start to learn life and living skills which will have a positive impact on them as they mature.